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Vacancy Open For Interiors in Dubai

About the Employer
Annual Salary
$20000 - $60000

Job Description

Al Zaher Interiors has been decorating and servicing properties of people of U.A.E and Middle East for almost 22 years now. Since 1994, we have enjoyed every moment of our work and duty.

We offer a complete turnkey Al Zaher Interiors provide interior fitout solution and in order to bring the design and layouts into reality, we have a skilled team of workers comprising of civil and MEP technicians. Our dedicated team of sales, administration, logistics, project, procurement amd after sales service manage the entire process from start to handover, ensuring the smooth completion of project and on right TIME.

Apart from the above, we would also like to introduce to you our state of art joinery, which is well equipped with latest wood work machinery and tools. Having an in-house joinery, gives us an advantage of time, quality control and cost.

We would be more than delighted to assist you in any sort of your requirement.