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How a startup can help freshers shape their career

Startup can help fresher shape their career

The delay in the economy and bad press about shutdowns have taken away some of the gleam from the new companies. Though many companies are still alleged as the best places to work in, a lot of the job searchers now want the steadiness and job protection that an recognized company provides. Here’s what you stand to gain:

Wider experience

Unlike large companies, companies don’t treat new staff as trainees. In established companies, a new joiner has to go through a long process of introduction and training. Companies don’t have so much time and the new employees often start work on projects from day one. The job profile in a startup is also not very defined. You are essential to do anything and everything.

Learning the ropes

Most startups are flat organizations, and even younger members of the team are in constant touch with the seniors and the bosses. This exposure is invaluable. In startup you get to understand how these people work—how they think, the technological tools they use and how they come up with innovative ideas and how the jobs is done.

No Age factors

Among the many freshers that organizations have revamped is the one about status and age. In organizations, age has nothing to do with your position in the group. Indeed, even a respectably youngster can turn into a venture pioneer, in the event that he has the capacity, shows guarantee and offers thoughts. Crisp graduates and more youthful applicants will locate this empowering.


Most startups are flat organizations, and even freshers are in constant touch with the seniors and the bosses. This exposure is invaluable. You get to understand how these people work—how they think, the technological tools they use and how they come up with innovative ideas.

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