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About Company

The Birla family has a legacy of nation building and understands the significance of a high-quality education system. Birla Edutech Limited - a Yash Birla Group company has embarked on a journey to revolutionize education in India, by becoming educational transformers for learners across all educational segments - be it Preschool, K-12 school, continuous education, technological or vocational education. It promises to build a uniting culture, provides rich education, develops support educational solutions and develops a strong sense of community through each of its multifaceted institutions by nurturing sensitivity towards the Society, Economy and Environment. Our mission at Birla Edutech Limited through each of its entities is to cultivate creative, joyful and compassionate inquirers who use courageous and innovative thinking to build a harmonious and sustainable world. Dedicated to finding novel solutions to the greatest challenges of the day, it aims to prepare individuals for global leadership in today's complex world. With over 8 years of experience in educational zone, Birla Edutech Limited has a complex network of 60+ educational institutions extended across India, with a combined student strength of more than 6000.