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Arihant Capital

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About Company

Started as a boutique stock broking company in Central India, today Arihant Capital Markets Limited is one of the leading financial services companies of India. We provide a gamut of products and services including equities, commodities, currency, financial planning, depository services, priority client group services (PCG), merchant banking and investment banking services to a substantial and diversified clientele that includes individuals, corporations and financial institutions. We are committed to giving our customers the best services and holding to our core values which always place our client's interests first. Arihant Capital provides investing and trading services to over 1.25 lac customers through its 750 plus investment centers that are spread over 175 plus cities in India. Clients turn to Arihant for its complete platform of financial services and the trust that we work in the interest of our clients. (Details as on 31st March 2017) We have a dedicated institutional team which caters to India's leading mutual fund houses, insurance companies and almost all the banks active in the capital market segment. Our goal is to create wealth for our customers through sound financial advice and appropriate investment strategies. We want to help our clients met their financial goals with passion and integrity.