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About Company

Dear Sir, Thank you for contacting us! Below are the current vacancies available in our company: 1.) LABOR PLEASE CALL IF YOU ARE THE LABOR CANDIDATE ONLY AGENTS AND FREELANCERS WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED IF YOU ARE CONTACTING US FOR ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN THE ABOVE MENTIONED DO NOT CALL US! UNSKILLED LABOR / LABOR DUTIES: 1.) Loading and unloading: a. Shipping Containers b. In & out of vehicles 2.) Stock and restock of shelves a. Preparing materials 3.) Cleaning: a. Office b. Showroom c. Bathroom d. Company Vehicles INDIANS MUST HAVE ECNR PASSPORT Company will provide: 1.) Room (Accommodation) 2.) Visa (No-Charges) * 3.) 2-Year Contract 4.) ++ etc (more) IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE SEND US YOUR CV ON THIS EMAIL AND CONTACT US CALL US ON: +973 32362201 WHATSAPP: +973 39574016 Best Regards, AbdulQader