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About Company

Aeronube is a result driven specialist IT Organization with extensive sector knowledge and experience in IT Staffing or Managed services and Software Development providing end to end IT services and solutions to different Fortune 500 clients. In todays world as business becomes more demanding organizations need to re engineer their IT Services and Solutions and need to be agile and flexible to meet ever changing business expectations and that requires a broad based and integrated capability not just in skills but across capabilities types of engagements and service delivery models. Innovative strategies Technological expertise and a holistic approach to commitments is the key differentiator to Aeronubes Approach. Ordinary jobs can be a bit boring. We get that. But boring is not a word you would associate with Aeronube. No Boring we are not. We are a vibrant, innovative company with big ideas and a great vision to fundamentally change the recruitment industry and make people feel good about recruitment.We are looking to grow quickly and we are on the look out for dynamic free thinking professionals to join our team and help us achieve our goals. We offer competitive packages opportunities for training and career development and a chance to make a real difference in a fast paced meritocratic performance driven but fun environment. With a highly qualified or skilled management and leadership team we deploy innovative and effective search methodologies to meet our clients needs.