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Adeeba E Services Private Limited

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About Company

Adeeba E Services Pvt. Ltd is a globally reputed company providing best of class IT solution services to clients around toljhe world.In the next decade, the fundamentals of the retail sector will change in a big way. The time will come when every retail store requires its own ecommerce website and customers will have options of where, how, and what to purchase in-store or online, for take away or delivered. This is a very exciting time for the retail industry; we need to get ready for it. The ability to transform the face of retail across the world depends on us. We have a huge canvas to work with, and it is already an established fact that we are doing much better than others in the industry. We are in the process of transforming the future of commerce, so come and be a part of changing world with Adeeba-E-Services.