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Adecco India Pvt.Ltd

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About Company

The world of HR is constantly evolving and Adecco is one of the leading forces shaping that change. The Adecco Group is a Fortune Global 500 company and one of the world's leading provider of HR solutions Despite, being global leaders, we are Indians at our heart. The Adecco Group is the global leader in workforce solutions. We are the largest player in the industry by revenues, with the highest profitability amongst our major competitors. We have a strong track record of cash generation and a shareholder-friendly approach to the use of our cash flow. The world of work is changing, bringing exciting opportunities for the Adecco Group. We are responding by transforming and innovating, to drive revenue growth and capture opportunities in margin accretive activities. We are investing in these initiatives within the context of our ongoing commitment to return a substantial portion of our cash flow to shareholders. Our dividend policy is to maintain a dividend pay-out ratio in a range of 40-50% of adjusted net earnings. We are also committed to paying at least a stable dividend compared to the previous year even if the pay-out range is temporarily exceeded, barring seriously adverse economic conditions. In addition to our annual dividend payments, at the end of each year we will review our financial position and excess cash will be returned to shareholders.