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10 things to check before accepting a job offer letter

Finding a job is tough but more grueling is the decision to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a job offer letter at hand. It becomes even more pertinent in today’s turbulent economic situations when companies gives you job offer letter and withdraw job offers instantly.

If you’re contemplating a job change, here’s what you need to consider before you make the leap:

Role to business

Look at if your part is intriguing, and in the event that it is essential/unavoidable to the business. In the event that it is both, at that point you have doubtlessly struck gold. The more basic part, the less are odds of you getting terminated in awful circumstances.

Working hours matter

Understand what your timings are on an everyday basis or how many hours are you supposed to be logged in for.

Understand how available your boss expects you to be in the evenings and on weekends. Being on calls also accounts for work.

The People

You can discover a lot about culture and environment from the people you come into contact with during the recruitment process.

Learning and growth opportunities

Your work experience of five years should not mean one year’s experience repeated five times. Only good learning opportunities ensure exponential growth of your career.


Feel free to ask about the pending work and major projects of the company and also look up about how the year has been for them.

Salary and bonus schemes

This being the most direct result of your work, you should expect about 25-50 per cent hike on your current salary package. It is important for you to assess the quoted salary, before accepting a job offer letter. You deserve to be paid fairly and in line with the average expectations for that role.


Weigh the pros and cons of working for a corporation, an agency, a nonprofit, or a startup. They’re very, very different environments, and it’s important to decide which you’d thrive in. If you’re more of an individual worker who likes structure and competition, the corporate path may be for you. If you want a fast-paced environment that’s new every day, an agency or startup may be a good choice.


In the grand scheme of things, employee benefits can be as important as salary, especially the subsidies that could save you heaps of money.


Do you have training or continuing education opportunities outside of work that can help you advance in your career or learn new skills? Will this continue if you move to another job? If you wanted to switch roles in the future, whether it’s at your current or future company, do you think your boss could facilitate that move? Assess what growth opportunities you have to facilitate your career and if changing jobs will open new doors for you.

Company culture

Does your current company’s culture match your personality, work style, values and morals? If it doesn’t, will the future job be a better fit? You spend most of your waking hours at work, so it’s important to know if the future company’s culture will mesh well with your beliefs.

Tags - job,Job Offer, offer,offer letter